पुदीने के पत्ते से होगा किडनी रोग दूर | Home Remedies for kidney disease | kidney treatment in hindi

#Mint, Mentha, or pudina, is one of the oldest herbs used worldwide. It is highly prized for its innumerable therapeutic properties and uses. Menthol is the compound present in mint. It renders the characteristic aroma and flavors to all mint-based products.

This aromatic #ayurvedicmedicine is a natural coolant with a sweet and pungent aftertaste. It has the quality to pacify all three doshas. It also manages the Pitta dosha. Pudina leaves have carminative properties, which help digestion and assimilation of food and treat colic pain. The extract of pudina leaves is used to treat intestinal worms too.

In today's video on our channel, "Kidney Treatment without Dialysis", we will tell you, what are the benefits of using pudina in our diet. What are the benefits of using pudina for healthy as well as kidney patients?

This video has been created to help you gain information about pudina and will help you adopt a better and healthy lifestyle.

You can also get in touch with Karma Ayurveda if you or someone you know suffers from a Kidney-related condition. Karma Ayurveda provides natural ayurvedic treatment and helps you adopt a natural lifestyle.

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